Sunday, November 22, 2009

LA, the weird and the wonderful

A creepy display at a manicure joint on Melrose, Technicolor graffiti, classic mid-century signage, a thrift shop's guardian spirits... as well as the flowers, the palm trees, and my little cottage in the woods of West Hollywood - here are a few glimpses of Los Angeles from last week.


  1. That manicure display is priceless!! It's like mothers should bring their daughters by and say:

    "See sweety, if you get a bad manicure, God will cut off a finger and show it to the world as punishment."

  2. Fantastic pictures!

    I wanted to ask you if it would be ok to list your blog in my own blog's 'Blogs I read' section. I want others to know of this blog's awesomeness. :) Just let me know!

    ~ Renee

  3. JSaw: love it. I definitely thought of this display when I was at the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA last weekend.

    Renee: Absolutely! I'm honored - many thanks!
